Testosterone Replacement Therapy Vs. Steroid Cycles

Steel Health and Hormones Centre serves the greater Pittsburgh area, specializing in hormone replacement therapy and medical weight loss. One of our key prescribed medications for optimal living is testosterone. There’s a misconception circulating that testosterone optimization therapy equates to a steroid cycle. I aim to dispel this notion unequivocally.

Let’s begin by defining a steroid cycle. Typically, it involves a short-term implementation of medication to achieve performance and/or aesthetic goals. While it may manage health markers and quality of life, its primary intent is not health optimization. Steroid cycles might include testosterone, but the dosage usually exceeds prescribed ranges, and the choice of medication may involve testosterone derivatives. As a gym owner, I encounter individuals using steroids. One of my clients, a competitive bodybuilder, shared his steroid cycle:

  • Testosterone Cypionate 500mg per week, weeks 1-16
  • Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 500mg per week, weeks 1-16
  • Dianabol tabs – 50mg per day, weeks 1-4
  • Trenbolone Acetate 150mg per week, weeks 14-19
  • Oxandrolone 80mg per day, weeks 16-20

It’s important to note that almost all of these medications have medical applications. Let’s explore their clinical use before contrasting it with their bodybuilding application.

Testosterone is used in testosterone optimization therapy, known to decrease fat, increase muscle mass, improve insulin sensitivity, enhance well-being, support better erections, strength, and endurance.

Nandrolone can aid those with joint pain. A recent study showcased promising benefits in joint health when administered at a low dose (100mg per week) for a short term (8 weeks) with Nandrolone Decanoate. This could be a viable option for those averse to pain relievers or opioid- based medication.

Dianabol was previously used as oral androgen therapy, typically at 5mg-10mg per day. Its hepatoxicity has limited its current usage.

Oxandrolone has been successful in burn victims, individuals with muscle wasting diseases, and those with insufficient circulating testosterone to alleviate symptoms.

However, Trenbolone, a livestock drug used to increase size pre-slaughter, lacks validated therapeutic uses.

While these medications in a bodybuilder’s steroid cycle may have clinical utility, their doses, “stacking,” and duration aren’t justifiable for symptom relief or long-term health optimization. The cycle primarily serves an aesthetic goal in bodybuilding, not for superior health outcomes.

In bodybuilding, the high doses serve to enhance muscle protein synthesis, decrease estrogen levels, and create a desired appearance, rather than optimize health. In contrast, a real Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) patient’s scenario differs significantly.

Consider a client experiencing androgen deficiency symptoms. At Steel Health and Hormones Centre, we conduct comprehensive tests, including bloodwork and EKG to assess their heart health. If diagnosed with subclinical hypogonadism, we prescribe testosterone alone. Our approach involves ongoing monitoring and adjustments:

  • Day 0: Physical exam, EKG, Bloodwork
  • Weeks 1-8: Testosterone 200mg per week
  • Week 8: Patient follow-up and bloodwork
  • Weeks 8-16: Testosterone 175mg per week
  • Week 16: Patient follow-up and bloodwork
  • Week 16 onwards: Testosterone 175mg per week, regular provider meetings, comprehensive biannual bloodwork.

The distinction is clear. The former example uses an array of medications for a short-term aesthetic goal. The latter involves medically supervised, bioidentical hormone administration, accompanied by continuous monitoring and comprehensive blood work.

While testosterone may offer benefits like increased muscle mass and decreased body fat, labeling it as a steroid cycle misunderstands the core purpose of hormone replacement therapy. When administered correctly, testosterone’s purpose is to optimize health and quality of life, whereas in a steroid cycle, health and quality of life are simply managed.

If you’re in the Pittsburgh area and seek hormone replacement therapy or medical weight loss, contact us by filling out the form below to schedule your consultation and explore how we can assist you.

Alexander Wallace
Alexander Wallace