Medical Weight Loss

Obesity is on the rise across in America. Seeking help for problems related to excess bodyweight is one of the best things you can do for your health, performance, and confidence. We all know the old adage that if you burn more energy than you consume, you’ll lose weight. While this simple equation is true, our chemically altered and highly palatable American diet makes our hunger cues unreliable, distorting our perception of the above equation.

While optimizing your hormones can help change your body composition to be leaner and more muscular, at Steel Health and Hormones Centre we can also leverage the most cutting edge medications to assist you with the “energy consumed” part of the equation.

These medications include Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists (GLP-1 Agonists) like compounded Semaglutide and Terzepitide. These medications work by slowing down digestion, increasing insulin production, and providing a feeling of satiety. We believe that in the right patients, these medications can be leveraged as part of a total treatment package against excess bodyweight. These medications help influence the “energy in” part of the weight loss equation.

These medications are fantastic for interrupting the habits of excess bodyweight, but this interruption should be paired with lifestyle interventions to form new habits. That’s why at Steel Health and Hormones Centre we have a team of personal trainers  and nutritionists  who can help you in-office or virtually.