
A Comprehensive Approach to Alleviating Erectile Dysfunction

One of the most sensitive conversations we have with men at Steel Health and Hormones Centre revolves around erectile

Everything You Need to Know About PRP for Musculoskeletal Pain and Injuries

Steel Health and Hormones Centre exists to help people look their best, feel their best, and perform at their

The Ultimate Guide to PRP: Healing Musculoskeletal Pain and Injuries Faster

Everything You Need to Know About PRP for Musculoskeletal Pain and Injuries Steel Health and Hormones Centre is dedicated

Everything You NEED to Know About Female Estradiol Therapy

Female hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is quickly becoming the leading form of therapy we offer at Steel Health and

Alcohol and GLP-1 Receptor Agonists

Alcohol is a substance that is widespread in our culture. Most can enjoy it recreationally, but others struggle with

Aromatase Inhibitors for Men on TRT – The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Many clinics prescribe aromatase inhibitors (AI) as part of a cookie cutter testosterone replacement therapy protocol. We’ve taken numerous

Freeing up Testosterone in male patients on TRT

This article is for the man or woman who is administering testosterone replacement therapy and is still symptomatic and

Telmisartan – A Potential Prophylactic in High-Risk Men on TRT

When administering testosterone replacement therapy in men, our goal is to maximize benefits and minimize harm. I have previously

A Comprehensive Overview of Sermorelin

Sermorelin isn’t new, but it has recently gained a new popularity in the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) space as

Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Coronary Artery Disease, and Myocardial Infarction

As always, I want to start this blog post by stating that I’m not a medical professional. This blog

Addressing the Women’s Health Initiative

Steel Health and Hormones Centre is a hormone replacement therapy and medical weight loss clinic located in Delmont and

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Vs. Steroid Cycles

Steel Health and Hormones Centre serves the greater Pittsburgh area, specializing in hormone replacement therapy and medical weight loss.